Behavior Supports
Dynamic Pathways provides behavior consultation to both adults and children with a wide range of needs. We embrace a spirit of gentleness and nonviolent practices in services and supports. We know people grow and measure happiness by their degree of connectedness to a community where they feel safe, included and loved. People with developmental disabilities should have these same opportunities to find their own connections and their own security. They have an inherent right to be free from any form of emotional, physical or restraint.
Behavior consultation includes:
- Consulting with families
- Writing behavior support plans
- Consulting with teams
- Training staff and families
- Providing ongoing support
- Assessing individuals and their environments
- Presenting plans to Human Rights and Behavioral Support committees
- Providing systems review of Behavior Support and Human Rights processes with recommendations
- Working with SSA’s to develop their skills in writing plans

Human Rights Committee
Human Rights Committee Management – In coordination with the DODD rule 5123:2-2-06, DPI will assist with any or all areas of your Human Rights Committee from facilitating the HRC meeting, providing and maintaining committee training, completing the State’s restrictive measure notification for approved plans, collecting and distributing proposed plans to committee members prior to meetings, reviewing monthly data, working with SSA’s on writing behavior strategies, writing HRC policy, among other things.

Quality Assurance & Compliance Reviews
Quality Assurance reviews often quickly become compliance reviews due to the number of rules and regulations that need to be met. Dynamic Pathways believes in focusing a quality assurance review on the important elements that lead to a person’s success. We carefully review the documentation, and more importantly we talk with the individual and/or family to get an honest and accurate picture of what is working well in the person’s life and what things may need attention.
Both the Quality Assurance and Compliance process is driven from the Ohio Administrative Code. With the Administrative Code as the basis, we utilize specific tools for the individual and/or advocate, the independent or agency provider documentation such as service forms, financials, behavior support, staff time sheets, and the county board file to complete an in-depth and thorough review.

Nursing Services
Health Service Coordination
Through a contract with Franklin County Board of DD, Dynamic Pathways has a team of full-time nurses who provide health services coordination (HSC) and delegated nursing services throughout central Ohio.
Health services include many different tasks, such as:
- On-going monitoring of person’s health needs
- Updating person’s files
- Receive and check-in medications as requested
- Provide on-call service for questions and concerns
- Provide staff training specific to person
- Attend intake and ISP meetings
- Review collateral
- Accompany person to appointments
- Provide diet management
- Monitor insulin administration and training
- Provide diabetes management
- Monitoring medication administration
Nursing Delegation
Nurses may delegate any nursing task in any setting following Ohio’s Department Of Developmental Disabilities and Board of Nursing laws and rules. DPI provides nursing delegation in a number of day programs as well as residential situations.
Nursing Quality Assurance Review
Per DODD rule, Nursing QA Reviews are required every 3 years for every home receiving Medication Administration and/or Health Related Activities from community based service providers. Through contract, DPI nurses complete quality assurance reviews based on DODD standards.

Additional Services & Expertise
Dynamic Pathways’ approach to strategic planning begins with thorough research and dialogue with your staff to understand the nature of your organization’s leadership; the culture of your organization; the complexities of your organization as well as other valid indicators.
Through a variety of techniques, we will guide your organization to determine where your organization needs to be in the next year, and maybe more, to take full advantage of your future. Planning continues as we lead your organization through energized activities to develop “the plan” on how to get there.
Dynamic Pathways (DPI) is an Ohio certified provider for Support Brokerage for the SELF Waiver (Self Empowered Life Funding). We currently have a number of adults and children who have chosen DPI for their Support Brokerage.
What is a Support Broker?
This person who is responsible for providing an individual with ongoing support. The type of support will look different for each person. Some examples of providing support include:
- Participating in the person’s annual individual support plan meeting by encouraging the person to share what services he would like to see in his plan.
- Helping the person set-up interviews and helping to develop a list of questions to ask potential providers during interviews.
- Assisting the person in negotiating the best rate for different provider services.
- Being available to answer different questions by telephone, email or in-person.
- Helping the person keep track of their funding.
- Looking for community opportunities for the person to get involved.
- Helping the person find a new microwave when the old one quits.
- Encouraging the person to speak-up when their food stamp amount is wrong.
- And much more
A Support Broker wants you to live the life you want and she will help you make that happen.
To see if the SELF Waiver is a good choice for you, click here to get more information.

Customized Trainings
DPI offers a number of trainings for new hires to the most seasoned staff. Topics include the most current information according to the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, along with trends and other important information related to the DD community.
Any training listed below can be adapted to content and length to meet your specific agency or organizations’ needs.
Information Coming Soon
Anxiety and Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities covers: recognizing effects of anxiety; common causes of anxiety; practical tools to help the anxious feel more secure
Trauma Informed Care and Building Supportive Relationships covers: understanding the effects of trauma and how to provide appropriate supports, basic tips about how to support a person displaying challenging behaviors and avoiding power struggles
Crisis response/Practical Behavior Intervention covers: effects of environment; recognizing communication; “Try Another Way” approach, defensive blocks, minimizing drama, the wonder of structure and predictability
Caregiver Stress Relief covers: depletion checklist, effects of stress and creating a stress relief tool kit
Sensory Integration covers: recognizing environmental effects on a person with sensory sensitivity, offering a variety of sensory activities/sensory diet, and using creativity to provide sensory experiences
Non-verbal Communication covers: focusing on the many ways humans communication without words and how to interpret what is being expressed
Understanding Autism covers: Autism spectrum disorder history, PDD-NOS and Asperger Syndrome, causes, physical characteristics, communication, socialization, sensory challenges, mood and aggression, SIB and savant behaviors, self-coping and resources
Prader-Willi Syndrome Basics covers: Physical effects over the lifespan, personality and behavior challenges, and recommendations for structured lifestyle and role of sensory integration
Ethics versus Rights covers: ethical dilemmas and basis for reaction, values, right dilemmas and basis for reaction, rights violations, and minor versus adult and legal guardians
History of Developmental Disabilities Services covers: overview of how things have evolved including language used, life in institutions, “best intention” practices, and current positive culture model
Overview of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities covers: looking at definitions, how they are diagnosed, causes and common characteristics